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Lesson 4: Formatting a Worksheet
Topic A: Apply Text Formats
Topic B: Apply Number Formats
Topic C: Align Cell Contents
Topic D: Apply Styles and Themes
Topic E: Apply Basic Conditional Formatting
Topic F: Create and Use Templates
Lesson 5: Printing Workbooks
Topic A: Preview and Print a Workbook
Topic B: Set Up the Page Layout
Topic C: Configure Headers and Footers
Lesson 6: Managing Workbooks
Topic A: Manage Worksheets
Topic B: Manage Workbook and Worksheet Views
Topic C: Manage Workbook Properties
Microsoft Excel 2016 Basics (Level I)
Microsoft Excel is a tool that helps you analyze, share, and manage information more effectively. It can be used for financial analysis, listing large amounts of data for manipulation or to do a variety of calculations on any type of numerical data. There are many ways to work in Microsoft Excel, many of which go un-noticed. This course will help you learn the basics of setting up a spreadsheet, different ways to layout your data, and navigate through it. Discover many of the techniques you can use with Microsoft Excel.
Course Content – Part I
Lesson 1: Getting Started with Microsoft Office Excel 2016
Topic A: Navigate the Excel User Interface
Topic B: Use Excel Commands
Topic C: Create and Save a Basic Workbook
Topic D: Enter Cell Data
Topic E: Use Excel Help
Lesson 2: Performing Calculations
Topic A: Create Worksheet Formulas
Topic B: Insert Functions
Topic C: Reuse Formulas and Functions
Lesson 3: Modifying a Worksheet
Topic A: Insert, Delete, and Adjust Cells, Columns, and Rows
Topic B: Search for and Replace Data
Topic C: Use Proofing and Research Tools
Course Content – Part II
Microsoft Excel 2016 Intermediate (Level 2)
You already know how to get Excel to perform simple calculations and how to modify your workbooks and worksheets to make them easier to read, interpret, and present to others. But, Excel is capable of doing so much more. To gain a truly competitive edge, you need to be able to extract actionable organizational intelligence from your raw data. In other words, when you have questions about your data, you need to know how to get Excel to provide the answers for you. And that's exactly what this course aims to help you do.
Course Content – Part I
Lesson 1: Working with Functions
Topic A: Work with Ranges
Topic B: Use Specialized Functions
Topic C: Work with Logical Functions
Topic D: Work with Date & Time Functions
Topic E: Work with New and Legacy Text Functions
Lesson 2: Working with Lists
Topic A: Sort Data
Topic B: Filter Data
Topic C: Query Data with Database Functions
Topic D: Outline and Subtotal Data
Lesson 3: Analyzing Data
Topic A: Create and Modify Tables
Topic B: Apply Intermediate Conditional Formatting
Topic C: Apply Advanced Conditional Formatting
Lesson 4: Visualizing Data with Charts
Topic A: Create Charts
Topic B: Modify and Format Charts
Topic C: Use Advanced Chart Features
Lesson 5: Using PivotTables and PivotCharts
Topic A: Create a PivotTable
Topic B: Analyze PivotTable Data
Topic C: Present Data with PivotCharts
Topic D: Filter Data by Using Timelines and Slicer
Course Content – Part II
Microsoft Excel 2016 Advanced (Level 3)
Clearly, you use Excel a lot in your role. Otherwise, you wouldn't be taking this course. By now, you're already familiar with Excel 2013, its functions and formulas, a lot of its features and functionality, and its powerful data analysis tools. You are likely called upon to analyze and report on data frequently, work in collaboration with others to deliver actionable organizational intelligence, and keep and maintain workbooks for all manner of purposes. The ability to collaborate with colleagues, automate complex or repetitive tasks, and use conditional logic to construct and apply elaborate formulas and functions will put the full power of Excel right at your fingertips. The more you learn about how to get Excel to do the hard work for you, the more you'll be able to focus on getting the answers you need from the vast amounts of data your organization generates.
Course Content – Part I
Lesson 1: Working with Multiple Worksheets and Workbooks
Topic A: Use Links and External References
Topic B: Use 3-D References
Topic C: Consolidate Data
Lesson 2: Using Lookup Functions and Formula Auditing
Topic A: Use Lookup Functions
Topic B: Trace Cells
Topic C: Watch and Evaluate Formulas
Lesson 3: Sharing and Protecting Workbooks
Topic A: Collaborate on a Workbook
Topic B: Protect Worksheets and Workbooks
Lesson 4: Automating Workbook Functionality
Topic A: Apply Data Validation
Topic B: Search for Invalid Data and Formulas with Errors
Topic C: Work with Macros
Lesson 5: Creating Sparklines and Mapping Data
Topic A: Create Sparklines
Topic B: Map Data
Lesson 6: Forecasting Data
Topic A: Determine Potential Outcomes Using Data Tables
Topic B: Determine Potential Outcomes Using Scenarios
Topic C: Use the Goal Seek Feature
Topic D: Forecasting Data Trends
Lesson 7: Appendix Topics (Time Permitting)
Using PowerPivot
Working with Forms and Controls
Course Content – Part II
Microsoft Excel®: Excel Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)
12 Hours over 2 Days
This class is a programming class. Students should be proficient in using Microsoft Excel before taking this class.
Course Content – Part I
Chapter 1 - Getting started
Introducing Excel VBA
The Developer Ribbon
Recording a macro using Absolute and Relative references
Recording an Absolute Macro
Running a macro using the ribbon
Running a macro using a shortcut key
Creating an icon on the Quick Access Toolbar to run a macro
Adding a command button to run a macro
Recording a Relative Macro
Viewing the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) code
Editing a macro in the VBA Editor
Understanding the development environment
The Object Browser
Using Visual Basic Help
Closing the Visual Basic Editor
Chapter 2 - Working with procedures and functions
Understanding modules
Creating a Standard Module
Understanding procedures
Creating a Sub Procedure
Calling Procedures from inside other procedures
Using the Immediate Window
Creating a Function Procedure
Naming procedures
Working with the Code Editor
Colors used in coding
Using capitalization while coding
Setting Code Editor Options
Code settings
Window settings
Guidelines for editing code
Commenting code
Finding code
Complete Word feature
Chapter 3 - Understanding objects
Understanding objects
Navigating the Excel Object Hierarchy
Understanding collections
Using the Object Browser
Working with properties
Using the With Statement
Working with methods
Creating an Event Procedure
Chapter 4 - Using expressions, variables, and intrinsic functions
Understanding expressions and statements
Declaring variables
Explicit vs. implicit variable declaration
Working with Declaration Statements
Working with variable scope
Naming variables
Understanding Data Types
Creating an Assignment Statement
Using intrinsic functions
Understanding constants
Using intrinsic constants
Using Message Boxes
Using Input Boxes
Declaring and using Object Variables
Chapter 5 – Controlling program execution
Understanding control-of-flow structures
Working with Boolean expressions
Comparison Operators and Logical Operators (Keyword Operators)
Using the If…End If decision structures
If…Then Statements
If…Then…Else Statements
Using the Select Case…End Select structure
Using the Do…Loop structure
Using the For…To…Next structure
For…Next Statements
Using the For Each…Next structure
Guidelines for use of control-of-flow structures
Chapter 6 - Working with forms and controls
Understanding UserForms
Using the Toolbox
Working with UserForm properties, events and methods
Understanding controls
Setting control properties in the Properties Window
Working with the Label Control
Working with the Text Box Control
Working with the Command Button Control
Working with the Combo Box Control
Populating a control
Working with the Frame Control
Working with Option Button Controls
Working with control appearance
Setting the tab order
Adding code to controls
Launching a form in code
Chapter 7 - Working with the PivotTable object
Understanding PivotTables
Creating a PivotTable
Working with the PivotTable Wizard method
Working with PivotFields
Assigning a procedure to a custom toolbar
Chapter 8 - Debugging Code
Understanding errors
Using debugging tools
Setting Breakpoints
Stepping through code
Using Break Mode during Run Mode
Determining the value of expressions
Chapter 9 - Handling errors
Understanding error handling
Understanding VBA’s error trapping options
Trapping errors with the On Error statement
Understanding the Err object
Writing an error-handling routine
Working with inline error handling